Archive - March 2013

4 Pictures and Word
Do Not Awaken Love: Concluding Thoughts
Do Not Awaken Love: Physical Boundaries
Do Not Awaken Love: Spiritual Boundaries

4 Pictures and Word


“NO! Kevin, please don’t make me!” I grabbed his hand tighter and used my body weight to pull him away from the  center walkway. Shrieks of terror echoed in the mall hallway.

“Oh, come on. We’ve got to get you over your fear eventually.”

“Says who? Who says I can’t be afraid of mascots until the day I die?”

He shrugged, not worth the fight. Some other small child will have to sit in the Easter Bunny’s lap today.

What makes you think of Easter? Rabbit-filled pictures? or empty tombs?

What answer did you fill the blank with?

Christ? or Easter?

Do we have to pick a side? Or can this weekend and Sunday morning be filled with Easter bonnets, pastel colored shirts, and egg hunts?

I’m afraid that our celebration of Easter is much like the chocolate bunny in our baskets – hollow. Because the pictures above can either spell “Christ” or it can spell “Easter.” Even non-believers can decorate with shiny, brightly colored grass, white wicker baskets, and candy filled plastic eggs. But only a believer can focus on Christ.

My initial Easter blog intention was to give a lecture on the history of Easter. But in the course of these last 24 whirlwind hours, I have two questions rolling around my head.

1. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?

 James 2:19 tells us, “You believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe—and they shudder.”

This question is not an end all discussion on a person’s relationship with God? Yes, believing is important. But it’s not the end of the discussion like I once thought. Even demons, who are actively at work against God, have knowledge and belief of Him.

2. How does that change your life?

Believing God exists isn’t everything God desires; He desires a relationship with us. That’s the whole point of Easter. The first two humans sinned, which separated them from a holy and perfect God. Ever after that, something had to die in order to cover this inherited sin. Dove after dove. Calf after calf. Grain after grain. No sacrifice was permanent. But God didn’t give up on His people – God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to walk this earth, be disowned by His people and executed. He was our sinless, perfect sacrifice that died in order for our sins to be forgiven. But don’t stop reading yet! Those were only the events leading up to Friday. Sunday is the day we picked in order to celebrate His resurrection. God raised Jesus back to life!

Why? Not just so that we would have an intellectual knowledge of Him, but so that we would have have a way to be in a right relationship with a holy God.

Chocolate bunnies melt; they satisfy for a fleeting moment. But knowing God and then changing your actions so that they glorify Him satisfies a soul for eternity.

Which will you spend more time celebrating this weekend? The Easter eggs that you dyed? Or the Christ that died and rose for our sins?

Maybe you haven’t stepped foot in a sanctuary since the last family member got married. Easter Sunday is a great day to return – to hear the truth of God’s love and to ask questions about how this impacts your life.

So you choose – what’s the answer to the picture at the top? Easter? or Christ?

Do Not Awaken Love: Concluding Thoughts


If you joined in for this blog series, you probably saw this last topic coming. If you’re just now reading – catch up here.

These thoughts are not a fourth category of boundaries in relationships. It’s really a subsection of point three – Physical Boundaries.

So for those of you not struggling with the temptation to have sex outside of marriage – how about one that might hit closer to home? Flirting. Let’s ask ourselves, are we a serial flirter?

This encompasses modesty also. Again, most of us have been fed a line similar to this – dress modestly to keep guys from struggling. I had a high school teacher that would say, “Skin is sin so tuck it in.” (This was at a public high school where we were required to tuck all shirts in). I don’t want you to misread my following statement. Yes, ladies, we need to help protect our brothers in Christ. But again, there is so much more at stake.

I want Kevin to be attracted to me – not to my low blouse cut or my shorts that barely cover my underwear. I want him to be attracted to the love of Christ in me. Our lives should point others to Christ, not to ourselves.

So let’s conclude with one more quote from the book:

 Don’t give your heart away until you know what he plans to do with it.

Do you remember the verse from the very, very beginning of this whole series?

Do not stir or awaken love until the appropriate time.                                                                                               -Song of Solomon 3:5

We create physical boundaries in part to protect ourselves in a relationship. But we also follow these boundaries in order to better live a picture of the Gospel so that our daily lives match the words we preach.

Do Not Awaken Love: Physical Boundaries


III. Physical Boundaries

For those of you who have missed out on the first two points of this blog series, you can read the first two boundaries here.

Knowing I was preparing to talk to our youth students about emotional, spiritual, and physical boundaries, a dear friend of mine (who is also a mother of one of our youth students) lent me a book to help me wrap my mind around dating relationships. It was Sex, Dating, and Relationships by Gerald Hiestand and Jay Thomas. This is the quote they used in their introduction; it is the thought that framed my conversation about physical boundaries.

Second, unlike many books on sexual purity, this book does not contain a host of data carefully detailing the repercussions of sexual immorality. An approach to sexual purity that uses the fear of STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and emotional scars as a means of motivating singles to remain sexually pure is based upon the faulty assumption that God’s commands exist solely for our own protection. Though it is true that God’s commands do often protect us from harm (though not always), Scripture makes it quite clear that God’s commands are not about what works best for us but about what brings him the most glory.

 Surely God intends us to save more than sex for marriage…but what?

I’ll let you in on a secret – I’m not that passionate about dating. Date. Don’t date. I don’t care very much about the subject. I’m passionate about marriage. And because I’m on this side of marriage – I want to tell you about the journey you have ahead of you.

Remember how we said that it’s easier to grow a tree straight when it is young than to straighten it after it’s grown all twisted?

You have to determine in your heart how far too far is before the moment. One of my friends is a freshman at college this year. At her high school graduation, I asked if she was going to start drinking and going to parties or having sex with her boyfriend. Her response – “I don’t know. I’ll see how I feel in the moment.”

“In the moment” is too late. So how do we decide where this magical boundary line is? Or is it a shifting dent in the sand?

Some will say: don’t kiss. Don’t be alone in a room. Only side hug. Others will say: Do what feels right. Go with your instincts.

Is it just me – or is this more confusing than helpful?

My friend Alli gave me this advice when I started dating Kevin – it’s easier to start off with really strict boundaries and then to later loosen them than to start off doing something and later take it away.

There is so much more at stake than just the physical ramifications of sex. Marriage is a picture of the Gospel. It is a picture of God preserving His people through the ages to bring Himself glory. The man is to be the head and the woman is to support Him. Christ is oftentimes referred to as the bridegroom and we as His wife. He has made us pure. He has kept us safe. He has been faithful to us. When we are faithful to our spouses, we are living a picture of the Gospel.

Unfortunately, many people have terrible gospel pictures in their family. The first step is to realize that it’s not right. You then have to figure out how to break that chain of sin in your family. Adultery is wrong. Divorce is wrong. I don’t care what our prime time television tells us. Sex outside of marriage is wrong.

So if these actions are wrong, why would we put ourselves in a position where we can easily fall into them?

This is not a conversation meant to bring about guilt and shame if you have given too much. The good news is that God can forgive you and make you clean again.

One goal is to force you to think about the future. I want you to be able to look your future spouse in the eye and not feel shame. I want you to be able to have this conversation with your children and not have regrets. And I want you to be able to look your ex-boyfriend’s wife in the eye and have nothing to hide.

Today, we’ll end with that thought. Later in the week, we will look briefly at flirting and modesty.

Do Not Awaken Love: Spiritual Boundaries


II. Spiritual Boundaries

To read this blog series from the beginning, click here.

This category is oftentimes overlooked which means it is extremely unprotected. If you are following Christ, I would hope that you are attracted to a “Godly part” of a guy.

I sure was with Kevin. When I met him, my first thoughts were not – “Wow! what a stud!” Really, he was just that class clown in Greek class who liked some stupid football team that I had never heard of before.

But when did things change? When I saw him interact with the guys at college that he was discipling. He truly cared about the salvation of these guys. Then we interned together with our church’s youth group. We were like a dynamic duo – we were doing almost every aspect of our job together. I didn’t have a crush on him yet, but I got to know him extremely well.

One reason I fell in love with Kevin is because it was evident from his life that He was in love with Christ. So how did that impact our list of spiritual boundaries? Here’s what they looked like when we started dating:

  • Don’t have one on one Bible studies together.
  • Don’t be each other’s accountability partners.
  • Don’t share your most intimate struggles with him.

 As we continued in our relationship and got engaged, these spiritual boundaries naturally, and rightly, broke down. But even today, Kevin is not my sole source of spiritual growth. I must consistently read the Bible for myself and gather with a group of Godly women who encourage me and act as accountability partners.

As married people, Kevin is the spiritual leader of our household. Ephesians 5:31-32 tells us:

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This mystery is profound, but I am talking about Christ and the church.

There is more at stake in our marriage than just a ring on our finger. Kevin is to love me like Christ loves the church. And I am to look to Kevin like the church looks to Christ.

Why do we need spiritual boundaries?

We need spiritual boundaries first and foremost so that our minds stay focused on Christ. If we’re not careful, our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship can become an idol. Our lives become consumed with thoughts for the other person. Rather, our relationships are to point us as well as the people around us, to a better understanding of the Gospel.

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