Archive - 2014

What the LORD Hates
Why You Don’t Need to Marry Augustus Waters
Matters of the Heart, a Poem
Fidelity & Stupidity
On Guard

What the LORD Hates

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Proverbs 6:16-19

Six things the LORD hates; in fact, seven are detestable to Him:

  1. Arrogant eyes
  2. A lying tongue
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood
  4. A heart that plots wicked schemes
  5. Feet eager to run to evil
  6. A lying witness who gives false testimony
  7. One who stirs up trouble among brothers

I find lists like this one found in Scripture are important to memorize – not to quote to someone else in a moment of judgment – but to have on the forefront of my own mind to evaluate my own actions.

Rather than expand on these seven points, let’s commit them to memory together. Read through them a few times and ask the Lord if any of these are present in your life. And if so, ask the Lord and the person you wronged to forgive you.

1. Eyes
2. Tongue
3. Hands
4. Heart
5. Feet
6. Testimony
7. Trouble

Why You Don’t Need to Marry Augustus Waters


Augustus Waters’ name was spoken so many times by the middle school girls in my Sunday School class that you would have thought he was a boy in our youth group rather than a character in a #1 New York Times Bestseller book. Naturally, I was curious as to what drew such attention to this book, especially since it lacked zombies and werewolves (perhaps this is the end of that trend – I do hope so).

I borrowed The Fault in Our Stars and found that I read the book in its entirety that Sunday afternoon. From an initial cultural standpoint, I was excited to realize that the author is John Green, vlogger of Mental Floss. As an English Major with an emphasis in Creative Writing, I was fascinated that this male author had chosen to narrate the book from the point of view of the female character.

The first line of the book drew me in,

Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.

Our coming of age love story sums up like this: Hazel, miraculously recovering from thyroid cancer that moved to her lungs, meets Augustus “Gus” Waters, osteosarcoma survivor (who lost a leg to it), and the two fall in love.

What kept me glued to the couch that day (other than a 100 degree fever), was the heads on approach that John Green took to the issue of religion and belief in these two characters who had both faced their own potential death as teenagers.

Characters can struggle with beliefs. In fact, Kate Weiss recently wrote a guest blog on this very subject. After all, if a novel is based on reality, don’t we all struggle occasionally? And I would even say that I do not have a problem with characters who have not fully formed their beliefs before the novel is over. But I do think that in order for me to endorse a book, I need to see glimpses of the truths found in Scripture.

But my middle school girls didn’t chatter about the truths of the book, they fantasized marrying Gus.

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Matters of the Heart, a Poem


A poem for the Proverbs series inspired by Proverbs 7:3b “Write them on the tablet of your heart.” 

Each spoken word, a mallet.
Tink. Tinktink.
Frenzy of chisels
etch the surface,
carve ruts which brim
with scripted flakes
of writing. Unmuzzled
thoughts split the tablet to pieces.

Fidelity & Stupidity


Read the Proverbs blog series from the beginning here.

Fidelity isn’t inherent to our natures; it has to be taught. Chapter five of Proverbs contains a father’s warning to his son to keep away from seductive women – not go anywhere near them.

Unfortunately in our “do what feels good” culture today, fathers no longer tell their sons to “drink water from your own cistern” (verse 15) – a euphemism for remaining faithful to one’s wife. Sons are exposed to pornography, witness condescending conversations, and handed condoms. The role of the man is degraded from “father” to “baby daddy.”

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On Guard


Read the Proverbs Series from the beginning here.

Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.”

Safes. Locks. Bolts. Tornado shelters. Vaults. Passwords.

We value our possessions and keep the most precious locked away as safely as possible and yet we wear our hearts and our emotions on our sleeves.

Obviously, we don’t literally pin our beating, blood-pumping heart like a bracelet. We would die very quickly. In His wisdom and perfect design, the Lord surrounded our literal heart with our chest bone in order to protect it.

We should take a cue from our skeletal structure when we think about our figurative heart – the one we create phrases about like “that warms my heart,” “my achy breaky heart,” and, of course, “bless her heart.”

Scripture tells us to guard our hearts above all else. We take precautions with our jewelry by putting it in safes. We protect our writings and emails by using passwords. We even use military and police to guard our citizens.

But how do we guard our hearts?

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