Archive - July 9, 2013

Creation is Just the Beginning

Creation is Just the Beginning


I was once told that in order to understand the rest of the Bible, you first had to accept these four English words – “in the beginning God”.

Was a day really 24 hours? Was the earth created with age? How long has the earth existed?

I have been asked all these questions in the past month. My answer – I don’t know. What do I know? In the beginning God. Period. That statement in Scripture is difficult enough for me to bend my  mind around.

Don’t get lost in arguments over matters not explained to us in God’s Word.

1. Accept your limitations. After all, what good is a God that we can figure out?

2. Take comfort in His presence. The same God in this verse is the One working in you today.

3. Don’t dwell too long on this one verse. If you spend your life debating a certain creationist viewpoint, you might miss opportunities to share the rest of the story.

Remember – this is only the beginning of the story. It gets better after this.

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