Archive - February 2015

God-Breathed in Context
Podcast Review: Raising them in His Image

God-Breathed in Context


In our Sunday School class for middle school girls, we have been studying how to study the Bible. The Lord has blessed us with two fruitful weeks of study as the girls have learned basic facts about the Bible’s history as well as its physical layout. We’ve practiced using not only our table of contents but also our concordance.

We put our newly learned Bible studying lessons into practice with 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and the Lord taught me a couple awesome facts about the text that I had not previously noticed.

Looking just at 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we asked,

What is the purpose of Scripture?

Verse 16 teaches us that it is “profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, [and] for training in righteousness.” God’s Word has the power to encourage us but we may not feel encouraged through absolutely every passage and reading. Some days, God’s Word will convict us of our sin and call us into action.

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Podcast Review: Raising them in His Image


Do you listen to podcasts? If you are not familiar with the term “podcast,” they can be defined as a digital recording of a a radio show, or similar audio medium, that you can download or stream with a device that connects to the internet.

For those of you with iPhones, all you have to do is click the podcast button on your screen and you have instant access to millions of hours of free content.

This month, I am recommending the following podcast for you from the Gospel Coalition, dated December 15, 2014. It is titled, “Raise Them in His Image, Not Yours.”

I’m going to go ahead and give you a summary of this podcast because it had a tremendous wealth of wisdom packed into about 7  minutes.

If focuses on this question:

What is the most paradigm shifting moment you have had as a mom? Here are the three responses recorded.

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